GE Novii Wireless Patch System

The Novii Wireless Patch System is an intrapartum Maternal/Fetal Monitor that non-invasively measures and displays fetal heart rate (FHR), maternal heart rate (MHR), and uterine activity (UA). The Novii acquires and displays the FHR tracing from abdominal surface electrodes (Novii Patch) that pick up the fetal ECG (fECG) signal. Using the same surface electrodes, the Novii also acquires and displays the UA tracing from the uterine electromyography (EMG) signal and the MHR tracing from the maternal ECG signal (ECG).

The Monica Novii Wireless Fetal Monitor System
provides the opportunity to enhance your current monitoring experience. It connects with your Corometrics 259cx series maternal/fetal monitors and the data flows seamlessly to your existing surveillance and archival system.

  • High BMI monitoring.
  • Minimal training and simple electrode placement and operation.
  • Enhance performance with new UA extraction for pre and early labor.
  • No belts or leads.
  • Patient-friendly and convenient.
  • With High BMI patients, traditional ultrasound/TOCO-based monitors can be difficult to use. The Monica Novii offers a solution that does not require belt or transducer adjustment with minimal performance loss in high-BMI women.
  • The Monica Novii monitors the maternal and fetal ECG shape to confidently separate the fetal heart rate from the maternal heart rate, even when fetal and maternal heart rates are similar.
  • In-room ambulation without transducer repositioning.
  • The Monica Novii is a single set-up device at the start of monitoring, which requires minimal adjustment or repositioning no matter what the fetus or patient does during monitoring.
  • Midwives and L&D nurses spend less time adjusting the equipment.
  • No belts (meaning no pressure or belt irritation).
  • Freedom for natural birthing positions.
  • Increase space around the bed for clinicians and birthing partners.
  • Enhances the birthing experience.
  • No adjustment, allowing women to sleep, change position, and mobilize.
Baj Equipments