Bio-Med Device Crossvent 4

The BioMed Crossvent 4 offers ventilation support for patients ranging from infant, pediatric and adult. The Crossvent 4 ventilator comes with three different configuration settings; A standard setting, a setting with an air/oxygen blender attached, and one with an Air Entrainment. The Setting that offers an Air Entrainment setting can deliver 100 % more oxygen than most normal settings that can only deliver up to 50% without an air supply source. The operator can easily select a ventilation mode along with setting the various alarm modes. The Alarm modes include; tidal volume, PIP, PEEP, Mean pressure, low supply pressure, rate, and oxygen concentration. The Crossvent 4 can be used in setting like patient transport, emergency room, intensive care, and many more respiratory needs.

  • Portable ventilator
  • Infant-Adult
  • SIMV
  • CPAP
  • PS
  • Universal
  • Comes either standard blender or with air entrainment
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